Saturday, February 11, 2012

Galveston trip....

We enjoyed Galveston, only we did not have enough time to see everything.  I would like to have stayed one more day.  I don't know what is going on with this Blog, but some of the photos turned out very large in one of the earlier Blogs.  I don't know how that happened.  Anyway, be on the look out for two Galveston video's on youtube.  One is a slideshow and the other is video footage for the camera....Today is Sat. I am in the Library using the WIFI and Dad is fishing.  We move to a new Park on Tues.   love, Mom

Monday, February 6, 2012

Happy Birthday Deidra

Happy Birthday, Deidra......Dad caught this Sheepshead fish Sat. and was very happy with himself.  We drove around Corpus Christi today and saw all the Pelicans with the fishermen.  The Pelicans like to hang out where the fishermen are.  They are very funny to watch.  Dad and I hope you have a very nice celebration on your special day.  We are heading out to Galveston tomorrow and I will blog again when we have, Mom