Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gators & Mardi Gras....

Well, we have been having a great time.  Not enough hours in the day to do everything.  One beautiful day we took the Ferry and went over to Aransas Wildlife Refuge, looking for Birds.  But, it ended up that we saw more Alligators than we bargained for.  There was a 7 mile loop that you could take in your car and we toured the area and then got out to take the snapshots of the Gators.  We did a lot of hiking, also.  On the way back home we saw a dead Ferrel Pig that your Dad made me take a photo of.  Now, the next day we accidentally ran into our first Mardi Gras Parade in Port Aransas.  That was a new experience for us.  Dad said next year, we are going to be in the Parade......Funny, huh........Dad has been fishing and I have been playing Mah Jongg and taking Soft Pastel lessons.  More adventures to come, if I have time to produce them before we leave....love, Mom