Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 4-  Today we toured Santa Fe.  The first photo shows the gallery we saw.  The statue in the next photo was worth $ 75,000.00.  Then we went to tour the Georgia O'Keeffe museum, but it was closed for renovation.  So they took a group of us to see the new home they have for new Art students that want to study Georgia O' Keeffe.  We saw rare things in the Georgia O'Keeffe collection that people just don't get to see.  We saw things that Georgia collected, her Art supplies.....pastels, oils, water colors, brushes and early sketches she had done.  They had an extensive library there, also.  As well as her clothing, etc..... The Docent gave a lot of info. on O'Keeffe and it was very interesting.
  Then we toured St. Francis of Assisi Cathedral and saw the inside of the church.  It was a very good day.....Mom

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