Sunday, January 15, 2012

                                     This is the fanciest statue I have seen in some one's backyard .                                                                                                                                                                          
                                                   This is the entrance to the subdivision.
This is the surrounding area looking at the subdivision.

Day # 2.....We left Pocatello, Idaho, early in the a.m. and watched the sunrise on the road.  We drove to Mapleton, Utah where the subdivision that Steve is a partner in ,is located.  It was interesting to see it and the area is very nice.  We stopped by Don Robinson's house to see his remodel.  His place is about 20 miles North of Kanab.  Don,wasn't there but we enjoyed seeing the nice job he has done on his house.  The sun was going down so we only made it to Kanab, Utah instead of Page, Arizona.  Tomorrow we plan on making it to Santa Fe.  It is about 500 miles, so it will be another long day....but fun.....Lynne


  1. Like the pictures and the blog.... Fun way to see your progress!

  2. Hi Deid.. You are the first to comment on our blog.....Thanks.....We just arrived in Santa Fe and will tour here tomorrow...more later ....Mom
