Saturday, January 28, 2012

Seagulls hang out in the parking lot...

                            It was a funny Saturday.  I don't know if you can see it, but the Sailboat in the Bay is stuck out there.  The boat is leaning way over. We felt like this guy was NOT having a good day.  Then we drove on and saw this funny sight with all the Seagulls in this parking lot just hanging around on the pavement.  They didn't even seem to care if we drove past.  They did not fly around but just sat there in a group.  Very strange.  We drove to the Pier and looked out at the rough and windy, Saturday.  We drove around a bit more and looked at some neighborhoods.  We are not very impressed with this area.  We can't imagine what Gregg did here for 2 months. We are back home now and Dad is going to make Shrimp fettuccine.  I will make a salad and another day bites the dusty...

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