Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First Day in Port Aransas....Sandcastles by the Sea

Very cool stuff here in Port Aransas.  We drove along the beach and found a cool sandcastle by the Sea.  The front of the sandcastle talks about winter in Texas and the back said "Porta" and had a very cool lizard on that side.  We watched from the beach and saw the huge ship sail by.  Farther down the beach everyone was parked watching the ship come into Port.  Steve thinks he will go fishing off this Pier tomorrow.  I liked the cool looking Seagull on the pole today.  He looks like he thins he owns the place around here.  Todd, Dad and I have noticed how many people are here from Iowa.  Dad told me I needed to tell you about it.  We also think the Iowa crowd drive really fast around here.  Very strange.  Well, we are glad to be settled here in Port Aransas.  I am hoping to get some really good photos of new birds.  They seem to like it around a lot.


  1. Mom,

    Looks beautiful down there. Send some pictures of the RV Park.



  2. Hi Todd....I already emailed you about this but saw your comment here so thought I would just say that I will take a pic of the Park, but none of them are very impressive so far, down here. We like the area a lot better than where Gregg was. It is a lot more interesting. Look on Google+ for more vacation photos I found over there. I don't know how they got there but I think there might be some I haven't put on here. But I am still trying to figure things out.....More later....Mom
