Friday, February 3, 2012

Art day on the Rockport docks

Well, Rockport was all a buzz with the Artist's on the dock.  Everyone had a painting project they were working on and they were all very friendly.  They told me that you can take art lessons in the building directly across from the docks.  I would love to do that but I don't think your Dad was crazy for it.  It was fun seeing what everyone was doing, anyway.  They said they meet once a week and paint, so maybe we will see them again.  On our way to Rockport we saw this man walking on the water.  Then we came across the sign about the Alligators.  Very cool...  On the way home we ran into the "Bird Convention."  They all seemed to enjoy one another's company and were not afraid to get their photo taken.  I am creating a movie about Port Aransas that will be on Youtube, soon.  Be on the lookout for, Mom

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