Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mom has fun in the Sun...

My friend the Pelican, sits on the edge of the pier and surveys all that goes on.  We watched the big ships going out to sea through the channel.  This one was very pretty because of its red color in the fog.  We watched a guy catch a Sea Turtle on the beach and another guy preformed surgery on it and they threw the Turtle back in the Sea.  The photo is of the "hero" that saved the Turtle taken just before they threw him back in.  As you can see I am having fun in front of the sandcastle by the Sea.  It was the second day that it was there and I was glad to see that it had survived.  As you can probably see the weather is beautiful and we are enjoying the warm days.  More tomorrow about Rockport....We will go out to dinner tonight and maybe Dad will start to fish, tomorrow.  He has been talking to lots of fishermen and getting pointers.  I think he will be ready to fish himself , soon.  He met fishermen from Big Fork on the dock, yesterday...More adventures to, Mom

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